About OATH
OATH stands for Optimising Access Through Human fit. Researchers from The University of Manchester have worked with patients and general practice staff to create resources that can help people think about access in a different way.
What's the problem with access?
There’s a lot of focus on the demand on general practice - staff are caring for more patients than ever before. Sometimes, due to staff shortages and funding challenges, the demand can feel overwhelming.
Our research has found the focus on demand is actually part of the problem because it can cause and hide unmet health needs. Watch the animation, and short video from Dr Jennifer Voorhees to
find out more.
So what is access as human fit?
Access as human fit means the fit between the needs, capacity, and abilities of people seeking healthcare - patients - and people working in health care - staff.
Patients and general practice staff must come together multiple times on every healthcare journey - from the point of identifying a health need to the point the need is met. Watch the animation to find out more.